School website service training and support

Information bank


Accessibility is a legal requirement and we encourage all web authors to complete the Accessibility e-learning course (code NR30504).

Accessibility means providing equal access to information for all our audiences, with special consideration for people with disability. Choosing theme colours is one example, because people who are colour blind struggle to distinguish some colours from others. View our accessibility guidelines.

Adobe platform

The platform the School Website Service (SWS) uses is Adobe Experience Manager (AEM). It's been developed by the department for schools and offers security, accessibility and a contemporary look and feel that has the flexibility to make your school stand out.


  • fully responsive website
  • customise the site to suit the needs of your school - theme, colour, homepage, news, global content, content display times and more
  • easily drag and drop components onto the page
  • accessible and inclusive design
  • trustworthy source of information for parents/carers who may be managing multiple schools
  • more flexibility to edit global content from the department
  • mobile responsiveness and ability to update on any device
  • 99.9% uptime.


A display of images - just like a photo album.

Alt text

A brief sentence used to describe an image for a screen reader user.

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Schools are beginning to take advantage of the powerful insights that come with the School Website Service platform. You'll find out who’s visiting your site and what they’re doing, so you can make informed decisions about your content. View more information on analytics.


Someone who approves changes or updates that have been made on the school website. Approving the changes will publish them. Approvers can also make their own changes and publish them.

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Many schools link their website to content from third-party products, including apps. It allows for streamlined content curation, efficient communication and consistency in messaging.

The social media component on your homepage allows your Facebook and Twitter feeds to appear automatically.

Instagram is connected via a link at this stage and your videos uploaded to Schools Video can be embedded on your page. Skoolbag and Schoolzine can be integrated on the page.


A section of the website where all outdated content is placed for reference. Archive pages should be created using content landing page template. 


The document and pictures you use on your site. Assets are similar to attachments in an email. 

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Someone who makes changes or updates to parts of the school website but cannot publish them. They send a request to publish, called a Workflow, to their school website approver.

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Author experience

We aim to develop the platform so the author experience becomes quick, easy and seamless. Improvements take place in increments known as releases and the content of each release is guided by customer feedback.

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We have multiple banner components you can use. The traditional banner has a carousel and video option, while the hero banner has various content layouts with extra buttons, slides and video options.


A type of navigation that shows the user where the page they are viewing is located within a website.

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The video streaming platform integrated with the School Website service.

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The program you use to access the web. This might be something like Internet Explorer or Google Chrome.

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Our Events section allows you to:

  • navigate through the events more easily and select the month you’re looking for
  • save events to Outlook
  • use more characters in your name field when creating an event
  • add recurring calendar items, such as same event for the same day, week or month

Besides this, Google and Schoolzine Calendar can also be integrated on your website.

Call to action (CTA)

Something designed to make users click on it. For example, Read more or Our latest newsletter. 

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A short description that accompanies an image. Learn how to add an image with a caption.

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The text version of the audio in a video. This is usually the dialogue and important sounds, like an indication of who is speaking, noises and laughter. Find out how to upload a video and create captions.

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A flexible container that organises images and text which looks similar to a playing card. The card ensures the image and text is organised in the same way regardless of the screen size it is viewed through. Learn how to create a card.

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A robot that simulates the conversation you would have with a real person. Chatbots are usually used for technical support. Read about ViTA - our SWS virtual assistant.


A square box that can be ticked to indicate you are selecting it, for example, Pick your interests from the list. More than one checkbox can be ticked at a time.

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Colleges can continue to have separate websites for their campuses. Information related to multiple campuses is displayed on the footer of your school website.


An area on a web page where you can add certain types of content, such as text, an image or a video. They are like the building blocks of the page. Learn how to add components to your web page.

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Content - global

The department pushes out global content that applies to most schools. We call it 'global content' and you will receive updates automatically.

  • global news items appear with a ‘From the department’ label so your audience can easily tell the difference
  • you can unpublish most news items if they’re not relevant to your school.

View more information on global content.

Content management system (CMS)

A program that creates and manages websites without the author needing to know how to code in HTML and CSS.

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A small bit of information left on your browser by a website you visit.

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When a program collects information about web pages.

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Removing unwanted parts from an image. Learn how to edit images under Assets.

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Customer experience

The department puts customers at the centre of decisions about which products to provide and support. It means we actively encourage feedback from schools by email and Yammer. We use this customer experience to guide the way we develop Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) for NSW schools.

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Decorative images

Decorative images don’t add information to the content of a page.

For example, the information provided by the image might already be given using adjacent text, or the image might be included to make the website more visually attractive.

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Default browser

The browser that opens when you click on a link.

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Your website gives you more design flexibility to allow your school to reflect what makes it unique. There are multiple themes available. They contain different templates and components and take accessibility into consideration. Font choice and size is determined by the theme you choose.

Digital asset

A file you will use on your website, typically a picture or document, but could also be something like a presentation or spreadsheet.

Digital asset manager (DAM)

The space that holds your documents and images. Here you can move, edit and delete them. Learn about Assets.

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A PDF, Word file or HTML web page that provides information to a user.

Domain name

The URL for your site changes when you go live with your AEM website. For security reasons the '.edu' part of the address is replaced by '.gov'. Users looking for your school website will find it when you set up a redirect from your third-party website provider.

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AEM is a powerful platform and editing is quite different from what most authors are used to. Our how-to guides are a step-by-step approach to working on your site and they're are being updated all the time. We conduct full-day online training every month, you can check for session information and register through myPL.

Mobile editing

Your school website can be edited on your mobile device, if necessary. We recommend using your phone to make urgent edits only due to the practicality of navigating a large website on a small screen.

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We'll offer the ability to complete forms online in future but in the meantime PDF forms such as excursion and permission notes will need to be downloaded and completed offline.

The department offers Google G Suite and Microsoft Office 365. Both include a forms service and schools are welcome to use them. One note of caution though is around forms that require a signature because they can't be verified. And of course, there's the usual need to maintain privacy when dealing with data you collect.

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A display of all of the albums on your site.

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Global content

Content that comes from us (the department) for use on your site, like a news article or enrolment information.

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Global footer

The bottom section of your website. It contains important links that appear on each page of your site.

Global header

A set of important links on the very top part of your website. The department's website, a Google translate button and the log in drop-down will appear on every page of your site.

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A section of text that, when selected, will download something, take you to a new page, or take you to a new location (like Back to top).

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Image command set (ICS)

Calendar files that automatically generate on your event page and can be opened in different calendar programs, like Outlook and iCalendar.


The Adobe platform accepts standard image file types including JPEG and, PNG. There are no limits on the number of images on your site but we recommend quality over quantity to help you stay within accessibility guidelines. No more than 50 images per gallery.

Uploaded images will be automatically compressed to the required size but avoid using large files as they take longer to load. It means resizing should be part of the image editing process and completed before an image is uploaded to your website. See SWS image guidelines.

Animated gifs

It is not advisable to use animated gifs on your website. They do not meet accessibility requirements.

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All websites must be accessible and meet with web content accessibility guidelines (WCAG 2.2 standard).

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Mega Nav

The main navigation menu on your school website. The Mega Nav can display and link to some of the most important child pages of the home page. It appears on every page of your website.

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Data that describes other data, such as the file size, the keywords and so on.

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Mobile responsive

Your website is responsive to mobile devices which means it shapes the text according to the size of the screen and can be read more easily on any device.

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  • Newsletters on your legacy website on Word or PDF will work on your website.
  • You can also load an external link – for example to a newsletter published on a service like ePublisher or Microsoft Sway. As long as there's a unique link for each newsletter published by the electronic newsletter service, you can integrate it to your website.

NSW Education Parent App

The NSW Schools Parent App is a companion to the School Website Service. It displays news and events information from the relevant school websites chosen by the user.

For instance, you can have the information from the public school and high school your children attend.

Learn more on how it works.

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Page structure

Child page

A page that is underneath, or nested within, another page.

A child page can also be a parent page.

Parent page

A top-level page that has another page, or pages, nested inside of it.

A parent page can also be a child page.

Pario websites

Websites that were formerly part of the Pario Website Service (PWS), such as schools with a special purpose (SSP) have also been migrated to the Adobe platform with a simplified information architecture (IA).


The route a user takes to get to a certain page on your site. 

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Permissions to access your website are granted by your Principal. Remember that you should only have either Author or Approver permission and not both.

The Approver role can create and publish content. The author role can create content only and must send for approval to publish.


Making the changes or updates you have made to areas of your school website live on the internet.

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Preview mode

Preview mode is in the authoring mode of your website and lets you work with the page in a preview mode and navigate around your site before it is published. Note that external links to other websites will not be shown in preview mode for security reasons.

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Quick links

The links that appear at the top right of your page and go to handy areas of your website, such as Events and the Payment portal.

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An acronym for red, green and blue. An RGB code is a combination of numbers that correspond to different levels of red, green and blue therefore resulting in a final colour.

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School website service (SWS)

The platform that your school website is on.

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Search engine optimisation (SEO)

The process of making your website more 'searchable' so it can appear higher up in search engine results. This is by doing things like adding alt text to your images and using headings to structure your content.

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Social media

Social media component displays post from your school's Facebook, Twitter and Brightcove accounts.

Social links

Social links appear on the footer of your school website. It displays Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and, YouTube icons.


We know that transitioning to a new website means there's a lot to think about and learn and it all takes time.

Customer service

The team responds to a wide range of product enquiries.

Technical support

For when authors find AEM isn't doing what they expect, use our support request form.

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A page you can add to your school website that has a special set of options for how you can display content, such as limiting the types of components you can use.

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A theme creates the look and feel of your school website. Different themes have different colours and different stylistic elements.


A smaller, preview image of a file. The file is usually an image or a PDF.

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Take advantage of this powerful platform to create a website that's unique to your school. As you gain skills and become more confident you'll be able to develop your website as a communication tool that will strengthen your relationship with your school community.

We conduct full-day online training every month, you can check for session information and register through MyPL In the meantime we recommend you look at:

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A web address, or link.

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Make the content (that has previously been published) unavailable to the public.

Before finalising any content on your website, you can leave it unpublished until you are happy to make it public. 


Transferring a file from your computer to another location, such as the DAM or an online cloud storage location like Google Drive.


Someone who looks at your site. It could be someone like a parent, someone in the community or a teacher at your school.

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Versions is the definition of a variation of something, or an interpretation of something that happened. 


The Adobe platform supports versioning of pages. This means you're less likely to accidentally lose important information while you're editing. You can highlight changes between current and previous versions and restore a page to a previous version. Whole system backup happens automatically and regularly.


Upload your Schools video, YouTube and, Vimeo videos to your school website.

SWS has numerous components supporting video:

There's no limit on the numbers of videos on your site but you should take care not to have too many on a single page.

File size

Your videos should be hosted the video on Schools Video.

See the department's video guidelines for more information on the stages of video production and the resources you will need to produce videos.

View as published

View as published is a way of previewing how your page will look as if you were the end user without having to actually publish the site.

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A process in which one piece of work passes through to another person or location. This would be when your school website author is requesting approval for changes or updates to a page to be published. Learn how an author publishes a page using workflow.

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A list of domains approved for authorised access to data. Read more about whitelising.

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