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School website service training and support

School website service training and support

Latest news

Use this guide to add and edit the Latest news component.


The Latest news component displays the most recent news articles from your website onto the homepage.

The component:

  • displays a maximum of 3 news articles with thumbnails and 5 news articles if they do not have thumbnails
  • automatically populates when new news article pages are created
  • displays news articles in chronological order from newest to oldest
  • allows you to display a featured news article
  • can be used on the homepagenews articles and inside the column control on these pages.


Featured news articles will remain as the latest news article for a specific time, regardless of their date of publication.

The Go to all news button links to the news page that displays all the news article pages on your website.


Example of the Latest news component with news articles that have thumbnails:

Example of the Latest news component with news articles that do not have thumbnails:

Before you start

Go to our News article guide to learn how to add, adjust or remove a news article from your website.

Step 1: Add Latest news component

  • Move down to the bottom of the homepage.
  • Select Drag components here.
  • Select the plus icon.

  • Select Latest news from the Insert New Component list.

Step 2: Edit the Latest news component - optional

  • Select the Latest news component.
  • Select the spanner icon to adjust the latest news component. This is the Configure button. 

Step 3: Edit the Latest news properties - optional


  • Enter a Heading. This appears as the title in the top left of the component. For example: Latest news.

Link label

  • In the Link label field, enter the text you want to appear below the Heading. For example: Go to all news.

Link Destination

  • The the Link Destination field, select the tick icon to navigate through your website pages to find the page you want to link to when the text is selected. For example: News.
  • Once you have found your page, select the icon to the left of the page name. The tick will appear and your selection will turn blue.
  • Select the Select button in the top right.
  • The link appears in the Link Destination field.

Publish your changes

  • For changes to be updated on your live school website you will need to publish the page

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