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School website service training and support

School website service training and support


Use this guide to add and edit a script component.


The component:

Use Iframe embed content guidelines to see which websites are available for embedding.

Before you start

It is important that you check that you're using a complete script. Using an incomplete or incorrect script may break your page.

Navigate to the page where you want to add a script and you are ready to begin. 

Step 1: Add script component

  • Select Drag components here.
  • Select the Plus icon.

  • Select Script from the Insert New Component list.

Step 2: Edit the script component

  • Select the Script component.
  • Select the spanner icon to add your script to the page. This is the Configure button.

Step 3: Add the script

  • Paste the code into the script component.
  • Check that you're using a complete and accurate script.
  • Select the tick on the top right hand corner to save your changes.

  • Completed script component.

Publish your changes

  • For changes to be updated on your live school website you will need to publish the page.


  • In the case that you've used an incomplete or incorrect script, you may break the page. If this happens, the fastest solution is to delete the page.
  • If you have broken your homepage, you will need to contact support. Make sure you do not publish the page.
  • To minimise the risk of breaking the homepage, create a temporary page to test the script first, then copy the component to the homepage. See how to copy and paste a component.

How to tell your page is broken

  • The script component may not show the spanner icon. This is the Configure button.
  • Other components on the page may not be aligned in the same positions as they were previously.
  • The footer may display with errors.

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