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School website service training and support

School website service training and support

SWS system status


There is currently an issue affecting creation of events. This involves moving events to future dates and uploading attachments to that event. The event page will appear empty and the normal notification to move the event to a future date will not appear correctly.

Status: Current


  1. Create the event without attachments
  2. If the event date is a future one (eg, April, May and not the current month) the automatic move looks like it does not work. But in the background it actually does
  3. Go back to sites, navigate to the correct month folder for the event
  4. Edit the event and upload the attachment in the normal way - this works. You will see the attachment link appear with a file size (eg, 72kb). Save the changes (the tick button)
  5. Publish the event.

Events import (ics file)

There is currently an issue affecting import of ICS files (ical) from certain external calendar providers. The symptom is that some events in the file will not be imported.

In the ICS file the affected all-day events will have lowercase =date while the working ones will have uppercase =DATE

Status: Current


  1. Download the ICS file to your computer
  2. Open the file in a text editor such as Notepad
  3. Do a case sensitive find and replace of =date with =DATE being sure to not include any extra spaces
  4. Save the changes
  5. Run the import again using the amended ICS file.


There is currently an issue affecting creation of newsletters. This involves the newsletter attachment appearing blank when a newsletter thumbnail image is uploaded through the advanced tab.

Status: Current


  1. Create the newsletter without uploading a thumbnail (from the advanced tab)
  2. Publish the newsletter as normal.