School website service training and support

Delete a news article

Use this guide to learn how to delete your news article. 

Step 1: Navigate to Home

  • Your school's home page will already be selected.

Step 2: Delete the news article page

  • Select news article.
  • Select the year of the news article.
  • Select the month of the news article.
  • Once you have found your news article, select the icon to the left of the file name. For example, Term 3 Week 8. The tick will appear and your selection will turn blue. 
  • Select Delete in the menu bar that appears across the top of the screen.
  • If you don't see Delete, select the ellipsis in the menu bar. Select Delete from the drop-down option. 
  • If you still don't see Delete it is because you are an author. You will need to request the page to be unpublished by an approver.

  • Select Delete in the pop-up to confirm you want to delete the page. This operation cannot be undone. Deleting is a permanent operation.