Below are a list of pages within the site maps that are listed as must-have, should-have and could-have pages.
School types
Primary school
High school
Central school
Primary school
- About our school - Must-have
- School planning and reporting - Must-have
- Location and transport - Must-have
- Enrolment - Must-have
- Financial contributions and assistance - Must-have
- Our staff - Could-have
- Rules and policies - Must-have
- What we offer - Could-have
- Supporting our students - Must-have
- Student health and safety - Must-have
- School counselling services - Should-have
- Parents, carers and the community - Must-have
- Volunteering at school - Could-have
- Parent-teacher interviews - Could-have
- Learning at our school - Must-have
- Creative arts - Could-have
- English - Could-have
- Human society and its environment - Could-have
- Languages - Could-have
- Mathematics - Could-have
- Personal development, health and physical education - Could-have
- Science and technology - Could-have
- Religion and ethics - Could-have
- Learning across the curriculum - Could-have
- Assessment and reporting - Must-have
- Scholarships and awards - Could-have
Download the Primary school site map (PDF 16KB).
High school
- About our school - Must-have
- School planning and reporting - Must-have
- Location and transport - Must-have
- Enrolment - Must-have
- Financial contributions and assistance - Must-have
- Our staff - Could-have
- Rules and policies - Must-have
- What we offer - Could-have
- Supporting our students - Must-have
- Student health and safety - Must-have
- School counselling services - Should-have
- Parents, carers and the community - Must-have
- Volunteering at school - Could-have
- Parent-teacher interviews - Could-have
- Learning at our school - Must-have
- Creative arts - Could-have
- English - Could-have
- Human society and its environment - Could-have
- Languages - Could-have
- Mathematics - Could-have
- Personal development, health and physical education - Could-have
- Science - Could-have
- Technology and applied studies - Could-have
- Religion and ethics - Could-have
- Crossroads - Could-have
- Learning across the curriculum - Could-have
- Assessment and reporting - Must-have
- Scholarship and awards - Could-have
Download the High school site map (PDF 16KB).
Central school
- About our school - Must-have
- School planning and reporting - Must-have
- Location and transport - Must-have
- Enrolment - Must-have
- Financial contributions and assistance - Must-have
- Our staff - Could-have
- Rules and policies - Must-have
- What we offer - Could-have
- Supporting our students - Must-have
- Student health and safety - Must-have
- School counselling services - Should-have
- Parents, carers and the community - Must-have
- Volunteering at school - Could-have
- Parent-teacher interviews - Could-have
- Learning at our school - Must-have
- Creative arts - Could-have
- English - Could-have
- Human society and its environment - Could-have
- Languages - Could-have
- Mathematics - Could-have
- Personal development, health and physical education - Could-have
- Science and technology - Could-have
- Technology and applied studies - Could-have
- Religion and ethics - Could-have
- Crossroads - Could-have
- Learning across the curriculum - Could-have
- Assessment and reporting - Must-have
- Scholarships and awards - Could-have
Download the Central school site map (PDF 16KB).