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School website service training and support

School website service training and support

Social media

Use this guide to add and edit the Social media component.

The Social media component displays posts from your school’s social media platforms automatically.


The component:

  • displays the most recent social media posts from Twitter and Youtube
  • displays the most recent Facebook posts with a scroll bar on the right to view more posts.
  • can only be used on the homepage.

Before you start

Before you can add a Social media component to your website you must first integrate the social media platforms with your website. 

Go to our Social links guide to learn how to add or remove social media accounts from your website.

Navigate to the homepage. This is the only page on your website where the Social media component can be added. 

Please note: Now you can choose to not display brightcove videos in the social media component.

Step 1: Add Social media component

  • Move down to the bottom of the homepage.
  • Select Drag components here.
  • Select the plus icon.

  • Select Social media from the Insert New Component list.

Step 2: Edit the Social media component – optional

  • Select the Social media component.
  • Select the spanner icon to adjust the Social media component. This is the Configure button.

Step 3: Edit the social media properties – optional


  • Enter a Heading. This appears as the title in the top left of the component. For example: Social media.

Maximum number of ‘posts’ to request from each social media provider

  • Enter the maximum number of posts you would like to request from each social media provider.
  • Make sure this number is the same number that you input in the field below.

Maximum total number of ‘posts’ to display

  • Enter the maximum number of posts you would like to display in the component.
  • This field refers to the total number of posts displayed on your website. 
  • Make sure this number is the same number that you input in the field above.

Position of ‘post’ date

  • Select Top or Bottom from the drop-down to choose where the date will be displayed on the post.

If you have a YouTube account, please select ‘User’ or ‘Channel’

  • Select your YouTube account type from the drop-down. If you select the wrong type, your YouTube videos will not display.
  • If your videos are not displaying, select the alternative option.

If you have a Vimeo account, please select ‘User’, ‘Channel’ or ‘Group’

  • Select your Vimeo account type from the drop-down. If you select the wrong type, your Vimeo videos will not display.
  • If your videos are not displaying, select the alternative option.

Brightcove videos - optional

  • Select the icon to the left of Home. The tick will appear and your selection will turn blue.
  • Select Properties in the menu bar that appears across the top of the screen. 
  • Select Social Links tab to update social media platforms your school uses.
  • Select tick in the box 'Do not display Schools Video (Brightcove) videos in the Social Media component'. This will hide Brightcove videos from social media component.
  • Select Save & Close.

Removing old videos from Brightcove - optional

  • To remove old videos from Brightcove which are showing up on your school website select the video and select Quick Edit.
  • A new tab will open on the right of the screen. In Tags To Add column write not-sws and select the blue Save button on the bottom of the tab.
  • Select Quick View to view the tag you recently created under Tags heading.
  • Please note: Your video will stop displaying on the school website after about an hour.

Publish your changes

  • For changes to be updated on your live school website you will need to publish the page.


  • If the Social media component does not show any social media posts, you may need to review the social media links added to the homepage properties. To review the links, go to our Social links guide.
  • If certain posts are not displaying in the component on the homepage, it may be because you have used symbols in your original post. Remove those symbols and the posts should display. 
  • If your school logo is not displaying in social posts you will see a small square in the top left-hand corner of each post. To fix this you will need to remove backslashes from your social media links. To review the links, go to our Social links guide.
  • If your Facebook posts are not displaying, please adjust your Facebook privacy settings. If you need additional assistance, please contact the Social Media team via or post any social media questions in the social media support Yammer group.
  • If you are unsure about any step please contact support.

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