School website service training and support logo

School website service training and support

School website service training and support

Banner image (Carousel)

Use this guide to add and edit your banner.


The Banner is the main section of your homepage.

The updated component:

  • allows you to add or change your banner heading and text
  • allows you to have a single static image on your banner
  • allows you to have multiple images as a carousel
  • allows you to update your banner images
  • has a long banner heading or a short heading with a short description
  • a configurable call to action button that can go to a page on your website or an external website
  • allows the positioning of the text description and heading to be adjusted left or right to suit your images.
  • allows a video background to be used (from Brightcove)
  • can only be used on the homepage.

The size of the banner image depends on your website theme. Check the image dimensions for further information.

Example Banner image:

Step 1: Navigate to the homepage

  • Your school's home page will already be selected.
  • Select the icon to the left of Home. The tick will appear and your selection will turn blue.
  • Select Edit in the menu bar that appears across the top of the screen. 

Step 2: Create the banner component 

  • Select Edit in the top right of the page. This button is next to Preview
  • Click on the wide "Drag components here" section, choose the banner component from the list of available components.
  • Follow the instructions above to edit the new banner component

Step 3: Open the banner 

  • Select Edit in the top right of the page. This button is next to Preview
  • Select anywhere in the banner to activate the component.
  • Select the spanner icon to edit your banner. This is the Configure button.
If you don't have a banner added already:
  • Click on the wide "Drag components here" section, choose the banner component from the list of available components.
  • Follow the instructions above to edit the new banner component

Step 4: Edit your banner properties

Your banner must include at least one image and alternate text. The other elements such as a text box including a heading and a short description are optional.

Step 5: Apply the changes

  • Select the tick to apply your changes.
  • View the page in preview mode or view as published to see how it looks. You can resize the browser window to check how your changes look on tablet and mobile device layouts.

Publish your changes

  • For changes to be updated on your live school website you will need to publish the page

  • Please note, if your school website banner image has a rectangle box you will need to login to edit mode, select the spanner icon on the banner and then untick 'Long heading style'. This will remove the rectangle box and bring back the 'Welcome' text.