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School website service training and support

School website service training and support

Global News

Use this guide to learn more about Global news. 

We only roll out helpful and important information through global news. Most of our global news is classified as should-have content. This gives you the freedom to add your own local content on the same page or to hide the item if it is not relevant to your school. 

All global news appears with a ‘From the department’ label to show your school community that this is department content. 

Example of Global News on homepage:


Global news will either be a must-have page, should-have page or could-have page. You will get an email notification once the department rolls out a news item and it will be mentioned on the email what page the global news item is rolled out on.

Example of Email notification:


Please note:

  • If global news item is rolled out as a must-have page you cannot unpublish it.
  • If global news item is rolled out as a should-have or could-have page you can unpublish it from your school website. 

Learn more on how-to edit