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School website service training and support

School website service training and support

Taking great photographs


  • Close-up of students in foreground to give movement and life

  • Choose subjects who are smiling, happy and photograph well

  • Choose bright areas to maximise natural light

  • Books in background provide context and depth to photo

  • Create visual interest by having different levels in the photo. For example, students standing and sitting

  • Make sure students are wearing correct safety gear and using equipment correctly in an appropriate location such as a lab

  • Try taking photos from different perspectives. Perhaps looking down on an activity

  • Make sure a teacher is included in situations where supervision is required. 


  • Position computers close together in a corner. Don’t try to and capture an entire computer lab in one photo.  

  • Construct a lively and animated photo - show students and teachers interacting

  • Consider different angles such as shooting low and along the desk

  • Fill in blank spaces. Hang images or posters on the wall

  • Position students and teachers in various positions such as seated and standing.

Teacher and student interaction

  • Ensure teachers are well presented and that students are wearing full school uniform

  • Set up shots illustrating learning through one-on-one instruction from teacher to student

  • Avoid using school halls and large gymnasiums. Go outside if possible and shoot in natural light

  • Always choose subjects who convey warmth, interest and enjoyment in what they are doing.

Posed shots

  • Choose a mix of boys and girls to avoid gender stereotyping

  • Demonstrate cultural and age diversity of school population

  • Students should be in full uniform. Neat, tidy and well-groomed

  • Vary height levels in photo

  • Choose an attractive background

  • Avoid placing subjects against bricks or houses in distance.

Practical subjects

  • Aim for an animated and involved group of students and teacher. Have all the subjects focusing on the task

  • Make sure students operating equipment follow correct procedures and wear the right gear.

Sport and action shots

  • Fill the frame and go in close to capture dramatic action

  • If possible set up the shot and rehearse action

  • Try for lots of movement with students moving in different directions

  • Be careful and aware of the background. Avoid showing neighbouring houses, rubbish bins or graffiti

  • Where appropriate include teacher actively participating

  • In sports such as netball always include the ball in shot

  • Try taking photo from unusual angle such as above the net looking down.

Portraits - students

  • Take close-up photos so that the head and shoulders fill the frame

  • Try taking the photo with the sun behind for softer light on the face and a rim of lighting on hair and shoulders

  • Take the photo straight on with subject looking directly at camera

  • Make sure the background should be interesting but not distracting.