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School website service training and support

School website service training and support

Hints and tips for writing and publishing stories

Be practical

  • Re-purpose the best stories from your latest newsletter 

  • Share the load! Ask each faculty or class to contribute to a good news story ideas list

  • Consider forming a school communication team or a “Good news story” team to brainstorm and collect ideas. Students are often a great help in this space especially if your school has a student newspaper or budding journalists/writers

  • Sharing good news stories on a regular basis helps to build student and staff morale while building and protecting your school’s image and reputation 

  • Local media may hear about a story you share on the Parent App and want to follow up with you.

Align your stories with key outcomes

Identify good news stories that showcase the key outcomes of NSW Public Schools.

For example:

Wellbeing: Every student is known, valued and cared for. This could be showcased by a new student wellbeing program/staff counsellor or implementing Individual Learning Plans.  

Academic achievement: All young people have a strong foundation in literacy and numeracy. This could be showcased by highlighting excellent reading and numeracy programs, Year 2 phonics screening, Best Start kindergarten Assessment.

Skills and higher education: This could be showcased with stories that focus on links with universities and TAFE.  Stories featuring students undertaking successful SBAT and VET courses and stories that reinforce that the definition of success is unique for each student – programs that support student to reach their potential.

Key events

Tell your community about key celebrations and let them know if you’ve planned an event or celebration they can get involved in, for example:

  • NAIDOC week/National Reconciliation Week/ Indigenous Games/Nanga Mai Awards
  • Education Week 
  • Game Changer Challenge
  • NSW Training Awards
  • Schools Remember Anzac Commemoration
  • National Science Week

Become a subject matter expert, trusted advisor

  • Handy advice on topics like HSC preparation, starting school, transitioning to high school or senior subject selection engages parents and makes a direct connection. Position your school as the subject matter expert.  Stories can be written by Year Advisors, Careers Advisors, Teachers, School Leadership team and others.
  • If you feel you have a powerful and unique good news story that could have wider appeal, consider reaching out to the department’s Media Unit or the [department’s news and social media channels]

Sample stories

These sample good news stories have been written by professional writers. They are great model of best practice storytelling that you can follow.