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School website service training and support

School website service training and support

Permission to edit your website

Access to your school website is now managed through Manage My Access (MMA) or Manage Staff Access (MSA), as the Access Management Utility (AMU) is being decommissioned.

Staff access

The department has developed two applications to help you easily get access to software applications and roles as and when you need it. They're called Manage My Access and Manage Staff Access, and both applications work from mobile phones, tablets and laptops.

For additional information, proceed to Access management experience.

Manage My Access

School-based staff use Manage My Access (MMA) to submit an access request to principals and their delegates to approve.

How to add Manage My Access to My essentials

  1. Log into the DoE staff portal.
  2. Under My essentials, click on the Add new essential icon.
  3. You will be taken to the add essentials page where you can search for Manage My Access.
  4. Once located, click on ADD.

How to submit an access request using Manage My Access

  1. Log into the DoE staff portal.
  2. Launch the Manage My Access application.
  3. Ensure the correct school is displayed on the top right. You can switch between schools if you are employed at more than one school.
  4. Within the list of applications, locate School Website Service.
  5. To request new or additional access, click on the pen icon to the far right of the application.
  6. In the request access window, select the access permissions you require - SWS [Approver] OR SWS [Author].
  7. Click Send request, to forward the request to your principal or delegate(s) to approve.
  8. After your request is approved, you will receive an email notification.

For detailed instructions, view the Manage My Access (MMA) user guide.

Manage Staff Access

Principals and delegates use Manage Staff Access (MSA) to approve staff access requests.

How to add Manage Staff Access to My essentials

  1. Log into the DoE staff portal.
  2. Under My essentials, click on the Add new essential icon.
  3. You will be taken to the add essentials page where you can search for Manage Staff Access.
  4. Once located, click on ADD.

How to approve an access request using Manage Staff Access

  1. Log into the DoE staff portal.
  2. Launch the Manage Staff Access application.
  3. Select Pending requests in the left panel.
  4. To view detailed information about the request, select the arrow icon to the right. Confirm the access level is appropriate, SWS [Approver] OR SWS [Author].
  5. To approve the request, select the tick icon.
  6. The staff member will receive an email advising them of their access change.

For detailed instructions, view the Manage Staff Access (MSA) user guide.