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School website service training and support

School website service training and support

Online enrolment

The online enrolment component provides information for your school community and access to the Online Enrolment System. 

The component's must-have content appears on the Enrolment page, under About our school, and is customised by the Online Enrolment team specifically for primary, secondary and central schools.

The online enrolment content is only made available to schools which have a school catchment area. Any school without a catchment area (e.g. selective school, hospital school etc.) is excluded.

The content cannot be changed, however you can add additional information above and below the online enrolment component by adding other components.

If you encounter an issue with the online enrolment content displayed on your school website, please submit a ticket to the Online Enrolment team or phone 1300 679 338 Monday - Friday, 7:30am - 6:00pm.

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